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 "e" inc. Enviro-Logs

Breathe Innnn---Breathe Outttt

What just happened to our Air Quality?

By Annabeth Gausepohl, Executive Director
Edited by Dr. Ricky Stern

          Last week, as students at various “e” inc. Afterschool sites headed home for the day, the air was thick with a horrible burnt, woody smell. Cities of Cambridge, Somerville, Medford and Watertown were all blanketed in this heavy, odorous air, with an Air Quality Index (AQI) ranging from 100-200. According to the American Lung Association, a healthy AQI is between 0 and 50. Based on public school data, this means over 29,000 children were breathing deeply harmful and heavily polluted air in these four cities. After experiencing this level of air pollution with our students, “e” inc. asked the question, WHAT IS GOING ON??

          The answer was not terribly difficult to deduce. This was all caused by an “unprecedented fall fire season” according to Governor Healey. Over 200 brush fires in Salem, Middleton, Danvers, Lynn, and many other Massachusetts towns, ignited this October, causing an intense and rapid change in air quality in the most populated areas of the state. In New England, we have been feeling the impacts of climate change, for years. We need to recognize that the crisis is here, on the shores of the Atlantic, and it is time to pause, take stock, and then take ACTION. Our children are currently breathing in the consequences of our inaction.

          At the level of air quality that we saw last week, health professionals recommend wearing masks outside and limiting exercise. They also warn of symptoms like throat irritation, chest tightness and difficulty breathing, especially in young children.

          In the wake of an unprecedented hurricane season, unparalleled fires nationally, and extraordinarily high “fall” temperatures, now is the time to act. It is up to us, as a community, to take action. “e” inc. -The Planet Science Learning and ACTION center is here to encourage, support and facilitate this effort.


          All of this is to say we must be vigilant and steadfast moving forward. We encourage you to volunteer, donate or just continue to engage in environmental endeavors. Caring is half the battle, and if you have read this far, you care. So, on behalf of us and every child that will inherit this planet, thank you.

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